Welcome to edcPimpleFoam development page Turbulent combustion modeling and simulations
Summary and outlook
• edcPimpleFoam – unsteady combustion physics
• LES runs were done using
Vilje HPC at
• Vilje HPC
was #44 in
in 2012 and was decommissioned in 2021
• Vilje was user-friendly to
OpenFOAM and its custom apps
• Typical edcPimpleFoam performance at Vilje was around 1 sec per time step for inert and
react simulations with global chemistry (x256-x512 cores)
• LES PPJB with detailed chemistry was slowly (>> 1 sec per time step even for small grids)
Betzy HPC @NTNU is Vilje successor
• Betzy HPC
was #55 in Top500 in 2020
• However, there were several challenges to compile custom
OpenFOAM apps
(at least, I have failed to do it in 2020)
• Project was ended at Dec 2020
• Further serious R&D is required to speedup the detailed chemistry integration and employ massive parallelism in
for large-scale HPC hosts
• Most HPCs from
are hybrid CPU-GPU, need to think about new algorithms and codes!
One of the most commonly adopted approach in modeling of turbulent reacting flows is the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC). Initially developed in the 1970s by Magnussen and Hjertager (1976), EDC was formulated as a well-established turbulent combustion closure model in the 1990s - 2000s by Magnussen (1989), Gran and Magnussen (1996) and Ertesvåg and Magnussen (2000).
edcPimpleFoam is a state-of-the-art, all Mach number solver for the turbulent combustion modeling (non-premixed and premixed) ans simulations, which incorporates the conventional Reynolds-averaged formulation (unsteady RANS) and the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) model. The Eddy Dissipation Concept with a detailed chemistry approach is used for the turbulence-chemistry interaction. A robust implicit Runge-Kutta method (RADAU5) for integrating stiff ordinary differential equations allows to calculate chemical systems of any type of complicity. All these features allow to simulate the unsteady combustion physics in very accurate and efficient manner.
Development milestones @2010 – 2020
@2010 – 2014
PhD thesis
Development of combustion technologies for bioenergy:
advancing turbulent-chemistry interaction model with the detailed chemistry approach
@2014 – 2020 ala PostDoc at
to continue working on several topics didn’t manage to cover during PhD:
special solver edcPimpleFoam (the first prototype has been release in 2014)
The list of high-level academic references:
• Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S.,
Reynolds-Averaged, Scale-Adaptive and Large-Eddy Simulations of Premixed Bluff-Body Combustion Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept,
Flow Turbulence Combustion, 100, 721-768 (2018)
• Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E.,
Numerical Simulations of the Sandia Flame D Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept, Flow Turbulence Combustion, 93, 665–687 (2014)
• Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E.,
Numerical Simulation of Non-premixed Turbulent Combustion Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept and Comparing with the Steady Laminar Flamelet Model,
Flow Turbulence Combustion, 93, 577–605 (2014)
• Lysenko, D.A., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E., Lilleberg, B., Christ, D.,
Numerical simulation of turbulent flames using the Eddy Dissipation Concept with detailed chemistry.
Computational Mechanics. Ed. B. Skallerud and H.I. Andersson. Tapir Academic Press, Trondheim, pp. 159-178 (2013)
• Lilleberg, B., Christ, D., Ertesvåg, I.S., Rian, K.E., Kneer, R.,
Numerical simulation with an extinction database for use with the Eddy dissipation concept for turbulent combustion,
Flow Turbulence Combustion, 91, 319–346 (2013)
• Lysenko D.A., On Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows and Combustion, PhD thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2014:76, Trondheim (2014)
• Lilleberg B., On mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of chemical kinetics in turbulent lean premixed combustion,
PhD thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2011:206, Trondheim (2011)